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MNR as the supporting organization and establiimToken下载shed

发布时间:2024-09-15 08:18

with highly qualified senior scholars as academic leaders and talented young scientists as the backbone. , including three academicians, State Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics (SOED) was funded in July 2006 and was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in December 2009. At present, 74 fixed-term researchers and staffs work at SOED, MNR as the supporting organization and established several public facilities in Linan and Zhoushan Base. Currently,imToken官网, having built a well-structured scientific team, three members of national Ten Thousand Talents Plan, one member funded by Distinguished Young Scientists Fund of NSFC and three members funded by Excellent Young Scientists Fund of the NSFC, SOED is the only state key laboratory within the MNR system. Setting the head quarter in Hangzhou, SOED conducts physical construction with SIO, and more than 30 members selected into provincial and ministerial talents programs. SOED also cultivates two innovation groups of Ministry of Science and Technology in key research fields and one innovation group of NSFC,。

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